The King's ContrarianEst. 2023

Are East And West At An Impasse?
A Story Told Through The Chinese
Semiconductor Industry

Mohammad Omar Farooq Ahsan | University of Manchester

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It's Time We Privatised

With median waiting times at thirteen weeks and
increasingly common horror stories of those with
serious illnesses having to wait months or even years
for treatment, it is evident that the NHS is in need
of reform. This stark reality was on full display ...

Stephen Pina | University of St Andrews

The Star-Spangled Banner Should Remain
Waving, Full Mast, O’er The Land Of The Free
And The Home Of The Brave

Grant Wernick | Duke University

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The Threat Of Rising
National Debt

National debts are rising worldwide with many of the
largest economies having debts in excess of 100% of
gross domestic product (GDP). Japan for example has
a debt-to-GDP ratio of 263%, whilst the US is at 123%.
National debt is defined as the total sum of money that ...

Colin Yin | Harvard University

The Christian Case For
A British Style Monarchy

Henri Rossano | Durham University

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A Once Great Alliance
Has A New Black Sheep

Russian foreign policy traditions can be
contextualized as a linear path from the
material to the social and back to the material.
It begins with the unique geographical implications
that Russia faces, for example the size of ...

Nathanael Kennedy-Leroi | King's College London

The Untapped
Conservative Demographic

Mckenzie Rostack | Princeton University

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A Short Exposé
On US-China Relations

The US and China have a long and rich history
that in recent years has meant an extraordinary
amount of economic collaboration. However, both
the US and China have turned towards protectionism
as their relationship has tensed. In this short ...

Jason Tu | University College London

Affirmative Action, DEI And
What It All Means For The UK

Saket Mistri | University of Oxford

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Do You Feel Represented?
A Case For British Localism

The UK is made up of 650 constituencies across
its four countries, each with different political
persuasions, needs, and desires. Yet, the power
that constituencies have to shape their local
communities through taxation to education to ...

The Editorial Board

It's Time We Privatised

Stephen Pina | University of St Andrews

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The Threat Of Rising
National Debt

Colin Yin | Harvard University

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A Once Great Alliance
Has A New Black Sheep

Nathanael Kennedy-Leroi | King's College London

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A Short Exposé
On US-China Relations

Jason Tu | University College London

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Do You Feel Represented?
A Case For British Localism

The Editorial Board

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The Ultimate Pursuit of Knowledge:
Mathematics, Philosophy, and History

Marcus Johansson | The University of Texas at Austin

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What Are We To Make Of The News
Of High Schools Withholding Notifications
Of National Merit Awards?

Nathanael Kennedy-Leroi | King's College London
(As published in the Wall Street Journal)

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